Andrew Graves

I have always been fascinated by underwater environments and the animals that inhabit them. My fascination and sense of adventure led me to complete my open water scuba certification in 2008, in a cold quarry in Maryland. Since that time, my love for scuba diving has transformed from an occasional hobby to a passionate way of life. To me, nothing is better than dropping beneath the waves, seeing and hearing the underwater world that most people never get to experience, and feeling the Earth by immersing yourself in it.
Whether I am diving on a wrecked Japanese oil tanker completely encrusted in coral in the warm waters of Palau, or swimming between the tectonic plates in a drysuit in the cold waters of Iceland, or practicing my skills in the refreshing lakes and quarries right here in Pennsylvania – I am happy with any form of scuba diving.
My love for the sport transformed again in 2020 when I became an instructor. I pride myself in providing quality lessons and experiences for my students. To me, nothing is more rewarding than watching a student learn skills, build confidence, and adopting their own passion for the underwater environment and the hobby of scuba diving.